Peasant's Kingdom - Kanazawa, Japan

Peasant's Kingdom

Kanazawa, Japan

The name Kanazawa means marsh of gold is said to be originated from a legend that the peasant Imohori Togoro washed gold dust in a local marsh. In fifteenth century, the old regional governors, the Togashi clan, was overthrown, and finally "The Peasant's Kingdom" was established. At that time, the powers of central Shoguns in Kyoto was waning, and their regional governors were assuming even greater powers. Due to the diminishing power of the hereditary regional governors, the Togashi, central control over the region was weak that allowed groups of Rennyo coverts to their political ambitions into reality. The fight over power ended with the suicide of the last Togashi governor in 1488. After that, the Buddhist Ikko sect set up a religious government in Kanazawa. In 1583, Maeda Toshiie, the top retainer of Hideyoshi Toyotomi who reigned over the whole country, entered Kanazawa castle. The Maeda family governed Kaga for 300 years over the 14th generation henceforth.

Kanazawa Station once was a prosperous Japanese castle town. It is known for its extensive range of flourishing craft industries. As in the past, today the city continues to be a center for craftspeople and dilettantes. Wearing a kimono, enjoy a matcha green tea in Kanazawa's oldest tea room with landscaped garden, learn about the charming local pottery and its long history. Begin a tour with Kaga Yuzen Kimono Center. Choose your own kimono and pick an obi belt to go with it.

After experiencing kimono, taste original tea at Gyokusen-en Garden. It is a historic Chisen-Kaiyo-style garden that is about 120 years older than Kenrokuen Garden. It also has Kanazawa's oldeset tea ceremony room called Saisetou-tei. Learn how to drink tea in proper way.

On the way to the Higachi Chaya District from Gyokusen-en Garden, Kinjohro can be spotted. It is a ryotei - a luxurious restaurant that serves kaiseki ryori - representing Kanazawa with its stunning food and sophisticated service.

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