Magnificent Nature, Mountains of Central Java - Java, Indonesia

Mountains of Central Java

Mount Slamat, Mount Sumbing, Mount Sundoro, and Mount Telomoya

Beautiful mountains and grand natural power that we have never ever seen. Java contains thirty-eight mountains forming an east-west spine. Central Java is a province of Indonesia and is located in the middle of Java, of course. Its administative capital is stationed in Semarang.

Here is the list of mountains of central Java:
   Mount Slamet Stratovolcano
   Dieng Volcanic Complex volcano
   Mount Sundoro Stratovolcano
   Mount Sumbing Stratovolcano
   Mount Ugaran Stratovolcano
   Mount Telomoyo Stratovolcano
   Mount Merbabu Stratovolcano
   Mount Merapi Stratovolcano
   Mount Muria Stratovolcano
   Mount Lawu Stratovolcano
   Mount Wilis Stratovolcano

This time Mount Slamet, Mount Sumbing, Mount Sundoro, and Mount Telomoya would be focused here in this page.

Mount Slamet, also known as Gunung Slamet, is an active stratovolcano. It has a cluster of around three dozen cinder cones on the lower southeast- northeast flanks and a single cinder cone on the western flank. Four craters are found at the summit.  Gunung Slamaet was closed to climb from 2010 til 2011, but it re-opened in late 2011. Numbers of climbers are expecting to visit to peak on New Year's Even and celebrate new year!

Mount Sumbing, or Gunung Sumbing, is also an active Stratovolcano. It has created a small phreatic crater from the eruption in 1730. The hightest poing of Sumbing mountain is a steep rocky part of the crater rim further south-west. Most hikers are happy to consider the crater rim as their destination.

Mount Sundoro is also known as Mount Sindara and Mount Sindoro. Parasitic craters and cones are found in the northwest-southern flanks, and the largest one is called Kembang.


The pictures above describes Mount Telomoyo. The volcano was constructed over the southern flank of the eroded Pleistocene-age Soropati volcano, which has a heigh of 1,300 metres. The Soropati volcano collapsed during the Pleistocene, leaving a U-shaped depression. Mount Telomoto grows on the southern side of the depression, reaching over 600 metres above the depression's rim.

Please check the height of peaks before you decide to climb up below:
Mount Slamet: 3428 m
Mount Sumbing: 3371m
Mount Sundoro: 3151 m
Mount Telomoyo: 1894 m


When you are tired and busy with yourself working and studying, It is always the best choice to see the mountains and see greens. It will bring you the great understanding and time to understand yourself. Most importantly, it is the excellent workout!

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