Shifen Old Street - Taiwan

Shifen Old Street

Shifen, located in Pingxi District of New Taipei City, Taiwan, is the most famous stop along Pingxi Line.

Pingxi Line was originally built to transport coal and now has transformed to an internationally renowned railway for one to discover the coal-mining history of Taiwan and experience lighting sky lanterns.


Shifen Old Street is filled mainly by sky lantern and souvenir shops, grocery stores and restaurants on both sides of the railway. Shifen Old street is a great place for photographers. 

Every year, the huge event will be held in Shifen Sky Lantern Square. The event is increasingly recognized globally as a key international folklore event. 
*Sky lanterns are made with rice paper, thin bamboo strips and wire.

Shifen Waterfall is also famous in here. It lies between Dahua Station and Shifen Station on Pingxi Railway Line. It, located on the upper reaches of the Keelung River, has a total height of 20 meters and 40 meters in width. 

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