Let’s go to the Beach! Beach! – Boracay in Philippines

Top 6 White Beaches - Boracay in Philippine

Boracay is a small Island but the most famous island for white beaches in Philippines located approximately 315 km south of Manila. Boracay’s White Beach is known for its powdery white sand and so many tourists stay and enjoy the island for that same reason. Boracay Island and its beaches have received awards from numerous travel publications and agencies. Let’s look around top 6 beautiful white beaches and ready to fall in love with them!

1.     Puka Shell Beach

Puka Shell Beach is located on the northern part of Boracay and it’s the second longest beach. Puka shell beach offers tourist a fantastic place to have a picnic and you will have more relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. When you swim at the Puka Shell beach, you need to be a bit more cautious of strong waves and depth of water because it’s not so much shallow as the main White Beach.

2.     Ilig-iligan Beach

If you want to avoid the beach crowds and enjoy some alone time, you can choose Ilig-Iligan Beach. It has the same white sand feature and this is a great spot for snorkeling and it has some scenic limestone islets that you can explore. A lot of rocks just nearby from the shore that is why this beach is also perfect for snorkeling and some diving. There is interesting marine life that can be found underwater. Around the deep areas, a bit offshore Ilig-iligan beach is perfect for scuba diving.

3.     Bulabog Beach

Bulabog is the main beach on Boracay's east coast, just 700 metres across from the 'main' tourist area on White Beach. If you’re into beach sports like kiteboarding, parasailing, and windsurfing then this is the beach for you. From November to April, Bulabog Beach is the kite boarding and windsurfing heart of Boracay.

4.     Tambisaan Beach

Tambisaan is the only beach in Boracay that has a large amount of marine life. Tambisaan is popular for its coral gardens and reefs that are just near the shore. For this, you can simply bring your gear with you and then take your own sweet time snorkeling in these waters. To get to the marine life, walk about one third along the beach and then swim about 25 meters into the bay.

5.     Crocodile Beach

Crocodile Beach is a small nearby island at the southeast part of Boracay and this is usually part of the island hopping package. Often a trip that comes along in prearranged tours, it’s a favorite destination for underwater activities given the abundant and unspoiled marine life in this area. What’s more is that there are also small canyons where you can see some sea snakes.

6.     Diniwid Beach

Diniwid is a small beach just 3 minutes north of White Beach and it is full of backpacker-friendly resorts. Along the way you pass an attractive mini-beach backed by ochre rock walls. Here is a great swimming spot. The beauty of the sand and clear water are Diniwid's most outstanding attributes. The water here appears even clearer and more enticing than that on White Beach. 

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