The Royal Capital of the Kingdom - Kathmandu, Nepal

The Royal Capital of the Kingdom

Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu, the capital and largest city in Nepal, is like no other city in the world. The decaying buildings in the heart of the city are a contrast to the lively atmosphere that permeates the streets. The smell of insense wafts from the stores while street sellers push their wares, and people go about their daily lives, all against a backdrop of historic temples and carved statues.

For several hundred years, Kathmandu was one of three rival royal cities, along wih Bhaktapur and Patan. Today these three almos run togehter, situated in close proximity to each other.

1. Durbar Square

The highlight of Kathmandu has long been Durbar Square, the largest of the palace squares in the three royal cities and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Temples and monuments of varing shapes, sizes, styles, and faiths can be found here. Kathmandu's Durbar Square was severly damaged in the 2015 earthquake, with many builidngs destroyed beyond repair.

2. Pashumpatinath Temple

The Pashupatinath Temple is a famous, sacred Hindu temple dedicated to Pashupatinath and is located on the banks of the Bagmati River 5 kilometres north-east of Kathmandu Valley in the eastern part of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. This temple is considered one of the sacred temples of Hindu faith.

3. Boudhanath

One of the most sacred Hindu temples of Nepal -Pashupatinath Temple is located on both banks of Bagmati River on the eastern outskirts of Kathmandu. Pashupatinath is the most important temple dedicated to god Shiva. Every year this temple attracts hudreds of elderly followers of Hinduism.

3. Swayambhu

The Legend of Swayambhu

Legend says that once that Kathmandu valley was a lake in which Swayambhu hill existed as an island. On top of that hill stood a natural crystal stupa. Buhha, when visiting the place, declared that it was a wish-fulfilling stupa and whoever is touched by the wind that passes over the stupa receives the seed of liberation from the cycle of existence.

4. Rani Pokhari

Rani Pokhari is originally known as Nhu Pukhu, meaning new pond. The square-shaped tank dates back to the 17th century and was built on the eastern side of the city. The pond is one of the Kathmandu's most famous landmark. The place is for its religious and has an aesthetic significance.

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