UNESCO World Heritage in Greece

UNESCO World Heritage in Greece

1. The Temple of Apolo Epikourios at Bassai (1986)

Photo by Pal Meir in 1964 on display at Flickr.com

The Temple of Apollo Epicurius (Apollo the helper) in Bassai is a well-preserved classical temple. It is an extraordinary and romantic monument which was constructed between 450-400 BC by lktinos, who was also the architect of the Parthenon in Athens. It was only discovered in 1765 when French architect Joachim Bocher stumbled upon it by chance.

2. Acropolis, Athens(1987)

Acropolis is located on top of a rock above the city which includes four of the leading masterpieces of classical Greek period: the Parthenon, propylaea, Erechtheion and the temple of Athena Nike. Completed by the 5th century BC, it has exerted a deep influence on architecture across the world.

3.  Archaeological Site of Delphi (1987)

Photo from http://www.qtp.qr

The archaeological site of Delphi, which is located in the center of mainland Greece, is one of the most important sites after the Acropolis of Athens in Greece. In ancient Greece, the majority of political decisions were made after consulting the oracle. Delphi was added in the list of World Heritage UNESCO Sites in Greece in 1987.


4. Sanctuary of Asklepius at Epidaurus (1988)

Photo by Willem van Altena

Sanctuary of Asklepius at Epidaurus, located in a peaceful valley in the eastern Peloponnese, is the most important healing center of the ancient Greek and Roman world. It was considered the birthplace of the god. This theatre is world famous today as the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus. Epidaurus was added in the list of World Heritage UNESCO Sites in Greece in 1988.


5. Medieval City of Rhodes (1988)

The Medieval City of Rhodes was originally constructed by the Knight Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, who occupied the island from 1309 to 1523. This is one of the most beautiful castles in Greece and also one of the largest and best-preserved castles in Europe. In 1988, UNESCO declared the architectural complex of the Knights of Rhodes to be World Heritage Site.

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