
Showing posts from October, 2017

Bohol Island Attractions -Philippines

Bohol Island Attractions Definitely one of the best destinations in Southeast Asia, few places on earth combine natural beauty with interesting man-made structures so well. One day can be spent trekking through the jungle, observing some of the world's oldest primates while the next can be spent admiring the island's colonial and religiously affiliated architecture. Steeped in history, Bohol has a strong sense of identity and culture that is none better reflected than in the architecture and the natural beauty that make up the island's interior. The Chocolate Hills are perhaps the most sought-out attraction followed a close second by the island's surreal shaped caves and rock formations. Whatever your preference in attractions, Bohol's charm will not fail to seduce you. The Chocolate Hills   The Philippines boast of some of the most unique and mystical natural wonders. But none can match the popularity of the Chocolate Hills, which for

Secret Beaches of Malaysia

Secret Beaches of Malaysia Malaysia Perhentian Islands, Tioman Island, Langkawi and Penang are popular destinations for a reason. They offer everything a beach lover wants. But for those who are after a bit more adventure, something off the beaten track or just an escape from resort beach lifestyle, we’ve compiled a list of the best hidden treasures of Malaysia. Pulau Mabul Pulau Mabul or Mabul Island is a small island off the southeast coast of Sabah – just 15km away from Sipadan. There’s a fishing village, no cars, no roads and perhaps some of the best muck diving in the world. You can even circumnavigate it on foot! The beaches here are pristine and a perfect place to unwind after a long day snorkeling or diving. If you are lucky you will even catch some turtles laying their eggs on the beach. Getting there: Take a boat from Semporna to Pulau Mabul. Speedboats are around 30 minutes, while ferries take about one and a half hours. Pulau Tiga Pulau Tiga is s